My hero is my Great grandpa because he was in World War 2 , I will be following his dream for one of his grandkids to be in the U.S. army!
He was the Father of 6 , was a very fun man, and my grandpa told me he was a very good father. I know he would have been a wonderful great grandpa.
He was part of the Infantry, they were the first on the battlefield and he was a private in WW2. He did it to serve his country, it really amazed me he would give up his life for this country, and I will do the same.
He was in the battle of Okinawa. He probably saw burning buildings, and smelt smoke from burning buildings. He survived the battle a couple years. He is no longer with us today, because of a heart attack.
My great grandpa’s son was in the vietnam war. I will do the same. My grandpa told me “If you believe in god you can always succeed”.